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Sessions and Fees

Our session times are as follows: 

Morning Sessions: Monday - Friday 8:50am - 11:50am

Lunch Club: Monday - Friday 11:50am - 12:35pm

Afternoon Sessions: Monday - Thursday 12:35pm - 3:35pm​

We are a term-time only Pre-School and are closed during the school holidays, bank holidays and inset days. Term dates can be found here.


Paying for your child's sessions

.​Depending on your circumstances, several funding options are available to help pay for your child's sessions at Pre-School, outlined below. The childcare choices site is useful for checking what you may be eligible for. We are very happy to help if you have any questions regarding funding. 


Universal 3 & 4 Year Old Funding

All children aged 3 & 4 are entitled to 15 hours of funded childcare from the term after their 3rd birthday. This can be used across 5 x 3hr sessions. This funding does not cover lunch club and must be paid for separately. ​


Free for 2 (FF2)

If you are eligible, you can use FF2 to pay for your child's sessions from their second birthday. This can be used across 5 x 3hr sessions. This funding does not cover lunch club and must be paid for separately. ​This funding is for those who receive certain benefits, looked after children or those with an EHCP. 


Working Families Funding 

Depending on your family circumstances and earnings, your child may be entitled to either 15 hours from the term after their 2nd birthday,  or 30 hours from the term after their 3rd birthday. 15 hours funding may be used to pay for up to 5 sessions. Lunch club must be paid for separately. If you are entitled to 30 hours funding, this covers all sessions and 4 x lunch clubs over the week.​


Tax-Free Childcare

We are registered with the Tax-Free childcare scheme and you may use funds from your Tax-Free Childcare account to pay for your child's sessions. To apply ​



If you are not entitled to funding and will be paying for sessions, our most recent fees are available upon request.​


  ​Parental Payment

Due to the insufficient funding received to cover the cost of sessions, a small charge is applied to each funded session. This is added to your monthly invoice.​


Your eligibility for funding will need to be checked and confirmed prior to our child starting. Please ensure fees are paid in advance and on time. We reserve the right to deny attendance if fees are not paid within two weeks of the date on the invoice. Penalties for late payment of £5 per day will be incurred.

Term Dates

Autumn 1: Monday 2nd September - Friday 25th October 2024


Inset Days (Pre-School Closed): Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd September


October Half Term (Pre-School Closed): Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November


Autumn 2: Monday 4th November - Friday 20th December 


Inset Days (Pre-School Closed): Monday 4th November​


Christmas Holiday (Pre-School Closed): Monday 23rd December - Friday 3rd January 2025


Spring 1: Monday 6th January 2025 - Friday 14th February​


February Half Term (Pre-School Closed): Monday 17th - Friday 21st February 


Spring 2: Monday 24th February - Friday 4th April


Easter Holiday  (Pre-School Closed): Monday 7th - Friday 17th April 


Bank Holiday (Pre-School Closed): Friday 18th & Monday 21st April​


Summer 1: Monday 21st April - Friday 23rd May


Bank Holiday (Pre-School Closed): Monday 5th May  


May Half Term (Pre-School Closed): Monday 26th May - Friday 30th May


Summer 2: Monday 2nd June - Tuesday 22nd July 


Inset Day (Pre-School Closed): Friday 13th June and Monday 16th June 


Last day of Term - Tuesday 22nd July 

What happens if my child is ill?

It's unavoidable that small children catch all kinds of minor infections. For a speedy recovery and to prevent other children from falling ill, children who are unwell must stay at home. (For sickness and diarrhoea - 48 hours from the time of the last bout). Only when the illness has subsided should your child return to pre-school. Your child may only return to pre-school when they are no longer contagious.

Please always call to let us know if your child won't be attending or if you have any concerns.


If your child requires medication during the day at Pre-School, we will be able to administer this, but will ask you to complete a medication form. This includes regular medications such Asthma pumps and Eczema creams. 


What does my child need to bring each day?

It is very important that your child is dressed appropriately if they are to enjoy the full range of activities in a session here at Molly's.


In winter, all children should have waterproof coats, hats, gloves and boots. In summer all children should have a sun hat and sun cream. Please don't let your child wear unnecessary jewellery or open toed sandals as these can create a health and safety risk. Please make sure that your child ALWAYS brings a coat and wellies - we play outside every day rain or shine!


We undertake messy play each session and whilst we use washable paint and glue we cannot accept any liability for damaged clothing. 


Please name all clothing and footwear, lunch bags and water bottles so they can be returned to you.   

Keeping your child safe

The safety and security of your children is of upmost importance to us. Both Pre-Schools are based on secure sites within the school premises, and are locked during the sessions.  

Children must be collected at the end of a session by a known adult. Should anyone else need to collect your child, we operate a password system and we must be notified in advance that someone else will be collecting. 


It's important for a child's wellbeing that they are collected on time. Fees may be incurred if children are repeatedly collected late. 


Mobile phones are not to be used in the pre-school rooms or gardens.  

Hungry Little Minds

Supporting your child's speech and language development in the home.


Supporting your child's speech development in the Early Years 


Did you know... Children with poor vocabulary skills at age five may be up to twice as likely to be unemployed in their 30's? Communication and language skills are a crucial part of child development and form part of the foundation on which all other development takes place. 

Hungry Little Minds is a new initiative launched by the Department for Education which encourages parents and carers to engage in activities that support their child’s early learning and help set them up for school and beyond.


The site has a wide variety of ideas and resources you can do with your children. What's more, they're all free and very simple ways of encouraging speech development! Click here to access the Hungry Little Minds site. 


For more information, speak to your child's key person. 



The pre-school's policies help us to ensure that we provide a high-quality service for the children attending and their families. The pre-school staff work together to adopt the policies and have the opportunity to take part in their on-going review, which takes place at staff meetings every 6 weeks. These reviews help us to make sure that the policies reflect the needs of the children in our care and remain current. Our policies are detailed below in brief.

Full and detailed copies of all Molly’s pre-school's policies can be found on the Parent's Notice Board for your perusal inside both Pre-Schools. There is one copy, which can be borrowed and returned, and one which is kept in pre-school at all times. If you have any questions regarding the content of any of our Policies, do not hesitate to speak to management. 

Privacy Notice

Policies in Brief

©2019 by Molly's Pre School. Proudly created with

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